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Day 1


Arrangement 1,2,3, Linear row with BR, Parallel row with vacant seats, Input Output, Month based puzzle

Caselet DI, Venn diagram Caselet DI, Data Sufficiency, Missing Number, Wrong number, Probability, Boat and Stream, Train and Platform, Time and work, Mensuration

Reading Comprehension, New pattern antonyms – synonyms, Word Replacement, Sentence Fillers

August 1-4

Capital and currency – Part 1 & Bank Headquarters

Day 2


Certain number floor with Flat, Arrangement 1,2,3, word based arrangement, Coded Blood Relation, Circular arrangement with vacant seats, Box with stack

Pie DI Caselet, Profit and Loss Caslet, Caselet with table, Data comparison, Simplification and Approximation, Trains Profit and loss SI & CI Mixture and allegation Pipes and cistern

Cloze Test (New Pattern), Match the column, Starters, Rearrange the words

August 5-8

Capital and currency – Part 2 & Bank Taglines

Day 3


Year based with two variable, Coding decoding with condition, New type Alpha numeric series (Step 1, Step 2 etc..,) New type Miscellaneous question, . Floor based puzzle with two variable

Library based DI, . Mensuration based Caslet, Data Sufficiency, Quadratic equation, Ratio and proportion, Ages, Time,speed and distance, Boat and stream, Mensuration

Coherent Paragraph, NP Double Fillers,Word Replacement, Sentence Fillers

August 9-12

Capital and currency – Part 3 & Banking abbreviation – Part 1

Day 4


Coding decoding hour hand minute hand type, Parallel row without mentioning direction of the person, Input output, circular arrangement with BR, Syllogism mains level

Table based DI, Mensuration DI, Data comparison, Simplification and Approximation, Average, Percentage, Mixture and allegation, Trains, Probability

Reading Comprehension (NP), NP Error Detection, Double Filler Pair of different words, Words Usage

August 13-16

Capital and currency – Part 4 & Banking abbreviation – Part 2

Day 5


Three parallel rows, Coding decoding new type(step 1, step 2.,), Coded direction Bus type, Concentric circular arrangement, Floor with height

Funnel DI, Missing DI, Data Sufficiency, Missing Number,Wrong number, Ages, Partnership, Profit and loss, Time, speed and distance, Pipes and cistern,

Cloze Set (NP), Phrasal replacement, Word Replacement, Sentence Connector

August 17-20

Capital and currency – Part 5 & Banking Apps

Day 6


Input Output, Coded Inequality hard level, Diagram based seating arrangement, Concentric square based seating, Day based puzzle with age

Time, Speed and Distance DI, Candle stick DI, Data comparison, Quadratic equation, SI and CI, Mixture and allegation, Time and work, Mensuration, Trains

Single Fillers with Pair of similar words, Correct usage of a word, Coherent Paragraph, Triple fillers

August 20-24

Dams – Part 1 & Bank Foundation year

Day 7


Word Based arrangement, Year based puzzle – last two digit reverse type, Linear arrangement income based with coded, Logical Reasoning, Blood relation with sharing of number of chocolate,

Time & work DI, Scatter DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, Pipes and cisterns, Ages, Percentage, Profit and loss, Mensuration

Reading Comprehension, Sentence Fillers, Word Replacement, Starters

August 25-28

Dams – Part 2 & RBI

Day 8


Year with blood relation, coded based circular arrangement, Linear arrangement with distance, Input output Symbol and number based, New type Alphanumeric series step 1, step2

Mensuration(2d,3d) DI, Funnel DI, Data comparison, Missing Number, Wrong number, Probability, Boat and Stream, Train and Platform, Mixture and allegation, Time and work

Cloze Test NP, Double Fillers, Sentence Connector, Phrase replacement

August 29-31

Reports and publishing organization & KVP

Day 9


Parallel row with distance, Coded direction either or type, Diagram based seating arrangement with condition, Logical reasoning, Month and date based puzzle with two variable,

Scatter(density based) DI, Logical DI, Data Sufficiency, Quadratic equation, Time, Speed and Distance, Mensuration, Time and work, Partnership, Si and ci

Reading Comprehension, Match the column, Word Replacement, Sentence Correction

September 1-4

River and cities & BHIM, AADHAR and CTS

Day 10


Linear with vacant, Triangular seating with two variable, Lane type arrangement, Syllogism(Only a few with possibilities), Input output number based

Probability DI, Candle stick DI, Data comparison, Missing Number, Wrong number, Ratio and proportion, Ages, Profit and loss, Time and work, Boat and stream

Cloze Test, Phrasal replacement, Rearrange the words, Match the column

September 5-8

Award and fields & NETC, BBPS and NPCI

Day 11


Month with Year based puzzle with BR (include vacant), Height based stack puzzle (place value type), Logical reasoning, Coding decoding symbol alphabet based, Coded blood relation

X-Y graph based DI, Radar DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, Partnership, Average, Si and ci, Time speed and distance, Pipes and cistern

Coherent Paragraph, Sentence Completion, Word Replacement, NP Error detection

September 9-12

Heritage sites & NEFT and RTGS

Day 12


Designation based puzzle two variable, Unknown circular arrangement, Linear with BR, Alphanumeric series (step 1, step 2.,), Coding decoding New type(step 1, step 2.,)

Train and Platform DI, Bubble based DI, Data comparison, Quadratic equation, Ratio and proportion, Ages, Time,speed and distance, Boat and stream, Mensuration

Reading Comprehension, Sentence Rearrangements, Jumbled Sentence, Sentence Correction

September 13-16

Sports and prize & IMPS and USSD

Day 13


Floor with flat two variable (income based), Data sufficiency, Parallel row with two variable(twelve person), Circular with blood relation,Coded Inequality

Formula based DI, Caslet DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, Probability, Boat and Stream, Train and Platform, Time and work, Mensuration

Cloze Set NP, Phrasal replacement, NP error detection, Rearrange the words

September 17-20

National and International festival & Types of accounts

Day 14


Diagram based seating with condition, Coding decoding number symbol alphabet, Direction sense hard level, Lift based puzzle, Syllogism(Only a few with possibilities)

Caselet DI (Partnership), Table + Table DI, Data comparison, Missing Number, Wrong number, Trains, Profit and loss, SI&CI, Mixture and allegation, Pipes and cistern

Coherent Paragraph, NP Error Detection, Triple Fillers NP, Cloze test

September 21-24

Bird Sanctuary & Other Country central banks

Day 15


Input output box type, Puzzle based on ages, Random or table based puzzle, Box based puzzle (10 boxes single variable), Coding decoding NP

Age based DI, Line + line Di, Data Sufficiency, Quadratic equation, Average, Percentage, Mixture and allegation, Trains, Probability

Reading Comprehension, NP fillers, Word Replacement, Jumbled Sentence

September 25-27

International organisation headquarters – 1 & NDB, ADB and AIIB

Day 16


Hexagon based seating with two variable, Rectangular arrangement with BR, Coded direction sense, Data sufficiency, BR

Income And Expenditure DI, Bar + Bar DI, Data comparison, Missing Number, Wrong number, Ages, Partnership, Profit and loss, Time, speed and distance, Pipes and cistern

Cloze Test, NP Error Detection, NP antonyms – synonyms, Identify the correct sentence

September 28-30

International organisation headquarters – 2 & Rupee and coin

Day 17


Linear with vacant seats two variable, Word based arrangement, Coded inequality, Reverse syllogism, NP Input output

Bubble based DI, Pie + pie DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, SI and CI, Mixture and allegation, Time and work, Mensuration, Trains

Coherent Paragraph, Sentence Rearrangements, Starters, Sentence Connectors

October 1-4

Public sector units and Headquarters & Primary and secondary market

Day 18


Floor with height, Circular arrangement with age or year based, Alphanumeric series NP, Logical reasoning, Input Output

Algorithm based DI, Scatter DI, Data comparison, Quadratic equation, Permutation and combination, Ages, Percentage, Profit and loss, Mensuration

Reading Comprehension, Correct use of a word, Rearrange the words, Word Replacement

October 5-8

Cities and nicknames & Economy related questions – Part 1

Day 19


Pentagon based seating arrangement, Puzzle- Month and date puzzle, Input output box type, Coding decoding symbol alphabet based, Data Sufficiency

Mensuration(2d,3d) DI, Funnel DI, Data Sufficiency, Missing Number Wrong number, Probability, Boat and Stream, Train and Platform, Mixture and allegation, Time and work

Cloze Test, Jumbled Sentence, Starters, Fillers new pattern

October 9-12

Important days – Part 1& Economy related questions – Part 2

Day 20


Linear seating with blood relation, Puzzle -height based stack puzzle, Syllogism(Only a few with possibilities), Coding decoding condition type, Logical reasoning

Fillers based Caselet, Candle stick DI, Data comparison, Simplification and approximation, Time, Speed and Distance, Mensuration(2d,3d), Time and work, Partnership, SI and CI

Coherent Paragraph, Match the column, Sentence Connector, Para Completion

October 13-16

Important days – Part 2 & Economy related questions – Part 3

Day 21


Concentric square based seating with BR, Coded BR, Coded direction, Box with stack, Coded based linear seating

Boat and Stream DI, Caslet DI, Data Sufficiency, Quadratic equation, Ratio and proportion, Ages, Profit and loss, Time and work, Boat and stream

Reading Comprehension, Triple Fillers, NP Phrasal replacement, Sentence Improvement

October 17-20

Constituency and minister – Part 1 & Merger of Banks

Day 22


Circumference based seating, Floor with flat based puzzle two variable, Data Sufficiency, Coding decoding number condition based, Miscellaneous NP

Time, Speed and Distance DI, Caselet and Line DI, Data comparison, Missing Number, Wrong number, Partnership, Average, Si and ci, Permutation and combination, Pipes and cistern

Cloze Set, Sentence Rearrangements, Word Replacement, Sentence Completion

October 21-24

Constituency and minister – Part 2 & Economy related questions – Part 4

Day 23


Month with vacant, Floor with vacant, Triangular seating with vacant, Fill up based coding decoding, Input output NP

Average DI, Pie + Bar DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, Ratio and proportion, Ages, Time, speed and distance, Boat and stream, Mensuration

Coherent Paragraph, NP Double Fillers, Jumbled Sentence, Sentence Correction

October 25-28

Organisation heads & Economy related questions – Part 5

Day 24


Box with vacant, Circular with vacant, Parallel row with vacant, Year based puzzle with vacant, Floor with flat with vacant

Candle stick DI, Radar DI, Data comparison, Quadratic equation, Probability, Boat and Stream, Train and Platform, Time and work, Mensuration

Cloze Test, NP Sentence Rearrangement, NP Phrase Replacement, Error Spotting

October 29-31

List of Airports in India & Commercial Paper and treasury bill

Day 25


Month with date based with vacant, Lane type arrangement(parallel frame), Blood relation, Logical reasoning, Coded blood relation

Logical DI, Line + Pie DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, Trains, Profit and loss, SI&CI, Mixture and allegation, Pipes and cistern

Coherent Paragraph, NP antonyms – synonyms, Word Replacement, Phrasal Usage

November 1-4

Census in India & ACU and MTSS

Day 26


Direction sense coded -(bracket type), Coding decoding-alphabet, number symbol based, Triangular- facing (in/out), Floor with BR, Logical reasoning

Bar + Pie DI, Logical Caselet DI, Data comparison, Missing Wrong number, Average, Percentage, Mixture and allegation, Trains, Probability

Reading Comprehension, Sentence Rearrangements, Jumbled Sentence, Sentence Improvement

November 5-8

National park - Part 1 & Prepaid payment instrument

Day 27


Data sufficiency, Linear-unknown number of person based, Input output-number based, Designation based puzzle, Syllogism (Only a few with possibilities)

Caselet with Bubble, Table + Pie DI, Data Sufficiency, Quadratic equation, Ages, Partnership, Profit and loss, Time, speed and distance, Pipes and cistern

Cloze Test, Match the column, Correct use of a word, Sentence Correction

November 9-12

National park - Part 2 & ECS and ombudsman

Day 28


Coded BR, Circle seating with age/year, Day based puzzle-two variable, Coded inequality, Random puzzle- 3 variable

Funnel Di, Table + Bar DI, Data comparison,Missing Number Wrong number, SI and CI, Mixture and allegation, Time and work, Mensuration, Trains

Coherent Paragraph, NP Error Detection , Triple Fillers NP, Phrasal Usage

November 13-16

List of Major Sea Ports in India & ATM

Day 29


Direction sense- coded-either or type, Alphanumeric series- condition based, Year based puzzle-2 variable, Seating-seating with income based on symbols, Floor puzzle with two variable

Radar Di, Table + Line Di, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, Pipes and cisterns, Ages, Percentage, Profit and loss, Mensuration

Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Word Replacement, Jumbled Sentence

November 16-20

National park - Part 3 & EEFC and LRS

Day 30


Misc- new model, square table seating-two variable, Puzzle- Height based Rack puzzle, concentric circular based, coding decoding- hour hand minute hand type

Caselet DI (Time and Work), Caselet and Scatter DI, Data comparison, Quadratic equation, Probability, Boat and Stream, Train and Platform, Mixture and allegation, Permutation and combination

Cloze Test, Sentence Improvement, Starters, Identify the correct sentence

November 21-24

Wild life sanctuary – Part 1 & NBFC

Day 31


Syllogism- coded based, Input output- box type, Floor with flat puzzle, Linear seating with BR, Logical reasoning

Ratio based missing DI, Table + Table DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, Time, Speed and Distance, Mensuration(2d,3d), Time and work, Partnership, SI and CI

Coherent Paragraph, Phrase replacement, Double Filler, Sentence Improvement

November 25-27

Wild life sanctuary – Part 2 & SGB and PMGKY

Day 32


Word based arrangement, Inequality- normal-hard level, Circular with BR, Direction sense-coded (normal), Order and ranking hard level

Percentage + missing ratio DI, Line graph DI, Data comparison, Missing Number, Wrong number, Probability, Boat and Stream, Train and Platform, Time and work, Mensuration

NP Phrase Replacement, NP Sentence Rearrangement, NP Double Fillers, Sentence Completion

November 28-30

Wild life sanctuary – Part 3 & Priority sector lending

Day 33


Coding decoding- table based, Triangular seating-two variable, Data sufficiency, Linear- distance based with age, Day based puzzle with BR

Mixture and allegation based DI, Line + pie DI, Data Sufficiency, Quadratic equation, Trains, Profit and loss, SI&CI, Mixture and allegation, Pipes and cistern

Cloze Set, Sentence Rearrangements, Jumbled Sentence, Sentence Correction

December 1-4

Wild life sanctuary – Part 4 & DICGC and MSME

Day 34


Box puzzle based on multiple factor based), Lift based puzzle, Three Parallel row, Direction sense- rectangular type, Number series- conditions based

Time & work DI, Line + Table DI, Data comparison, Missing Number, Wrong number, Ratio and proportion, Ages, Time,speed and distance, Boat and stream, Mensuration

Coherent Paragraph, Match the column, Word Replacement NP, Identify the correct sentence

December 5-8

Wild life sanctuary – Part 5 & Yojanas

Day 35


Circular arrangement multiple and factor type, input output- word and number mixed, Misc-new pattern, Table based puzzle, Fill up based linear arrangement

Caselet DI (Distance, Speed and Time), Caslet and pie DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and approximation, Average, Percentage, Mixture and allegation, Trains, Probability

Reading Comprehension, Cloze Set, Coherent Paragraph, Sentence Fillers

December 9-12

List of Tiger Reserve in India & Negotiable instrument and MICR

Day 36


Month with date based puzzle-two variable

Partnership DI, Line + Radar DI, Data comparison, Quadratic equation, Ages, Probability, Profit and loss, Time, speed and distance, Pipes and cistern

NP Phrase Replacement, NP Sentence Rearrangement, NP Double Fillers, Triple Fillers

December 13-16

Wild life sanctuary – Part 6 & Banking committee – Part 1

Day 37


Arrangement 1,2, 3 word based arrangement, Year based-Last two digit reverse type, Input Output, coding decoding Minute hand , hour hand type, Linear arrangement with two variable

Scatter DI, Bar + Table DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, SI and CI, Mixture and allegation, Time and work, Mensuration, Trains

Correct use of a word, Rearrange the words, Sentence Connector, Error detection

December 17-20

Military exercise – Part 1 & Banking committee – Part 2

Day 38


Rectangular seating with perimeter, BR- chocolate type, Input Output, Data sufficiency, Coded Inequality

Pipes and cisterns DI, Bar + line Di, Data comparison, Missing Number, Wrong number, Pipes and cisterns, Ages, Percentage, Profit and loss, Mensuration

Reading Comprehension, Sentence Improvement, Sentence Correction, Cloze Test

December 21-24

Military exercise – Part 2 & Banking static – Part 1

Day 39


Floor with square feet calculation, Profession based puzzle, order and ranking hard level, Timing based puzzle, Floor with vacant

Logical DI, Bar DI, Data Sufficiency, Quadratic equation, Probability, Boat and Stream, Train and Platform, Mixture and allegation, Time and work

Phrasal replacement, Double Filler Pair of different words, Single Fillers with Pair of similar words, Error detection

December 25-27

Stadium – Part 1 & Banking static – Part 2

Day 40


Concentric square based seating, Word based arrangement, Coding decoding- hour hand minute hand based, Misc- new pattern, Puzzle-Random puzzle

Boat and Stream DI, Caslet and Bar DI, Data comparison, Missing Number, Wrong number, Time, Speed and Distance, Mensuration(2d,3d), Time and work, Partnership, Si and ci

Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Jumbled Sentence, Words Usage

December 28-31

Stadium – Part 2 & Budget

Day 41


Square/Rectangle seating with BR, Puzzle with age and year, Box with stack based puzzle, Coding decoding- conditions based, Circular arrangement with vacant

Probability DI, Table DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, Ratio and proportion, Ages, Profit and loss, Time and work, Boat and stream

Cloze Set, NP Error Detection, Coherent Paragraph, Sentence Completion

Most important MCQ – August 2020

Mixed static – Part 1 & Mixed Banking – Part 1

Day 42


seating Arrangement 1,2, 3, Coded type puzzle, Logical Reasoning, Alphanumeric series- condition based, coded direction- bus type

Venn diagram based caselet, Caselet DI, Data comparison, Quadratic equation, Partnership, Average, Si and ci, Time, speed and distance, Pipes and cistern

Sentence Rearrangements, Triple Fillers, Starters, Sentence Connector

Most important MCQ – September 2020

Mixed static – Part 2 & Mixed Banking – Part 2

Day 43


Distance based 4 line linear, Input output- number based, Logical reasoning, Number series-two row based, Certain number of floor with flat

Mensuration(2d,3d) DI, Candle stick DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, Probability, Boat and Stream, Train and Platform, Time and work, Probability

NP Error Detection, Triple Fillers NP, NP Phrase Replacement, Identify the correct sentence

Most important MCQ – October 2020

Mixed static – Part 3 & Mixed Banking – Part 3

Day 44


Arrangement 1,2, 3 word based arrangement, Puzzle- Floor with BR, Parallel row with vacant, Inequality- coded, Month based puzzle

Time, Speed and Distance DI, Funnel DI, Data comparison, Missing Number Wrong number, Trains, Profit and loss, SI&CI, Mixture and allegation, Pipes and cistern

Cloze Test, Sentence correction, Word Replacement new pattern, Coherent Paragraph

Most important MCQ – November 2020

Mixed static – Part 4 & Mixed Banking – Part 4

Day 45


Seating- Circular arrangement with age multiple and factor type, Puzzle based onCertain number of boxes, Data sufficiency, Box puzzle-two variable, Certain number of floors

Time & work DI, Caselet and Venn diagram DI, Data Sufficiency, Quadratic equation, Average, Percentage, Mixture and allegation, Trains, Probability

Rearrange the words, Correct usage of a word, Triple Fillers NP, Sentence Correction

Most important MCQ – December 2020

Mixed static – Part 5 & Mixed Banking – Part 5

Day 46


Linear seating with distance, Puzzle - Days puzzle, Unknown number of person Linear arrangement, Unknown number of person Circular arrangement, Logical reasoning

Mixture &Allegation DI, Scatter DI, Data comparison, Missing Number Wrong number, Ages, Partnership, Profit and loss, Time, speed and distance, Pipes and cistern

Reading Comprehension, Sentence Rearrangements, Starters, Sentence Completion

January 1-4

Important Boundary Lines around the World & Mixed Banking – Part 6

Day 47


Seating Arrangement 1,2, 3, Floor & flat with two variable based puzzle, Matrix string based puzzle, Logical reasoning, Syllogism mains level

SI & CI DI, Missing DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, Average, Mixture and allegation, Time and work, Mensuration, Trains

NP Error Detection, Phrasal replacement, NP Sentence Rearrangement, Identify the correct sentence

January 5-8

Mixed static – Part 6 & Mixed Banking – Part 7

Day 48


Floor with height, Circle seating with circumference, Alphanumeric series- condition based, Data sufficiency, Table based puzzle-3 variable

Formula based DI, Candle stick DI, Data comparison, Quadratic equation, Pipes and cisterns, Ages, Percentage, Profit and loss, Mensuration

Reading Comprehension, Phrasal replacement, Jumbled Sentence, Words Usage

January 9-12

Mixed static – Part 7 & Mixed Banking – Part 8

Day 49


Seating- Linear seating with BR, logical reasoning, Month based puzzle with BR, Arrangement 1,2, 3 word based arrangement , Coded direction- Bracket type

Partnership DI, Table DI, Data Sufficiency, Simplification and Approximation, Probability, Boat and Stream, Train and Platform, Mixture and allegation, Time and work

Cloze Set, Word Replacement, Sentence Rearrangements, Sentence completion

January 13-16

Mixed static – Part 8 & Mixed Banking – Part 9

Day 50


seating with area square/rectangle, Year based puzzle, Number series-two row based, Input output-box based, coding decoding

Profit, Loss and Discounts DI, Caselet and Table DI, Data comparison, Missing Number, Wrong number, Time, Speed and Distance, Mensuration(2d,3d), Time and work, Partnership, SI and CI

Cloze Set, Error detection, Correct use of a word, Match the column

Most important MCQ – January 2020

Important days – Part 3 & Mixed Banking – Part 10