In the coming days, many competitive exams will be announced and the huge number of candidates will have applied for the exams. So competition of the exam is crucial if candidates those who want to crack the examination must do smart work on their exam preparation. In advance, many candidates may have started their preparation before the exam announcement gets released. From this, you can understand the current scenario of the competition and how difficult it was. Because more eligible candidates applied for the exams, it also getting tougher and tougher every year. So candidates need to start their preparation right now for their upcoming examination and be aware of the announcement of the exams.
Usually, all the competitive exams have some common sections in their exam pattern such as general knowledge, reasoning, quantitative analysis, English Language. Within this Quantitative analysis, the section is more crucial than other sections. Because this section is quite time consuming and having more tricky questions. Candidates must have to know the problem-solving formula and methodology to find an accurate answer. The crucial part is that problem calculation takes more time and all the options are equally identically as the correct answer so finding high accuracy answers for Quantitative analysis is quite challenging. But this is possible by the candidates that only prepare and practice with quantitative analysis question and answer pdf regularly.
In quantitative analysis, mostly all the topics are common for all competitive exams. Among these topics, Number Series is more familiar among the aspirants. Because Number Series Questions is asked all types of competitive exams in recent days. In Number Series questions, candidates must have to grab the relations between the numbers which is given in the series, according to the relations behind the number series we have to find out the next number or in between numbers of the series. The relation of number series may be multiples of 2 or 3 or any other number, dividend and remainder may be same, the difference between two consecutive numbers may same and perfect squares of the consecutive or odd/ even numbers. Like this the relationship between the numbers in the series may differ and complicated we have to find the relations first then we can find the correct answer. To minimize the time consume, candidates must have to know about the shortcut tricks which is used to find the relations of numbers quickly.
For that candidates have to gather number series questions and answer pdf to practice their skills frequently. Practicing is the only key to score more marks and reduce the time consumption in number series topics. Here we have provided some examples for number series questions in the competitive exams.