Dear Aspirants, Reasoning Ability is one of the important section in various competitive exams. These type of questions were asked in all major competitive exams to judge the knowledge and presence of mind of a candidates. Reasoning Ability consists of two important sub-divisions, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
In all bank exams, both Prelims & Mains Examination we can expect Reasoning Questions. In Preliminary Examination there will be 35 Questions and in Mains Examination there will around 40 questions in Reasoning Ability Section. Reasoning Section consists of major sub-topics such as, Seating Arrangement, Puzzles, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, Alphanumeric Series, Alphabet Series, Blood Relation, Direction Sense, Inequality, Order & Ranking and Input-Outout Questions.
Among these topics, Seating Arrangements & Puzzles Questions Plays a very important part. In both prelims & mains bank exams we can expect maximum questions from these two topics. So, aspirants who are willing to score good marks in Reasoning Section must practice more questions on these two topics. We have already uploaded 100s of PDFs on these Seating Arrangements and Puzzles Questions.